MAC POLYSTAR INKS are Polyamide Resin based gravure ink made for Surface printing of treated polyethylene or BOPP film. These inks have been carefully formulated for gravure printing of treated films and give high gloss and high print strength on a wide range of substrates. Besides polyethylene, these types of inks are also suitable for surface printing of Aluminium foils, paper , board and polyester etc. These inks should not be used for lamination purpose even by mistake and they do not offer any heat resistance property. Alcohol based Flexo inks are available on request. Salient features are

  • Good printability
  • Excellent resolubility
  • Stable rheology during printing
  • Satisfactory level of gloss

MAC POLYSTAR INKS are offer good adhesion to all types of treated Polyethylene films and may also be printed on a wide range of films, aluminium foils, paper and board. These inks have good adhesion to treated BOPP and polyester films. The recommended treatment level for Polyethylene/BOPP film is at least 38 dynes/cm to ensure good adhesion and optimum resistance properties.

MAC POLYSTAR INKS will tolerate a fairly wide range of reducer to accommodate variation in press speeds and conditions. The usual reducer for these inks is a blend of isopropyl alcohol and toluene, the proportion of which will depend upon press speed. n-Butyl Alcohol is the recommended retarder. Addition of NBA helps specially in rainy season , when printer faces blushing and gloss problems. For alcohol based inks Toluene free system is required.

The reducers are suitable for washing up the press and press accessories.

A variety of standard colours are available. Specific shades are matched on demand.

Besides a few ,most of the pigments used in inks give reasonable light fastness but may not be suited to extended exposure to direct sunlight. This property can be built in if specified when ordering.

BLog Images

A number of properties like high surface slip, scratch resistance are in-built in these inks for general purpose printing. On request special colours with ARSR inks can be made to meet customer demand . These inks are not expected to offer heat resistance to enable heat sealing on the printed area. For jobs, where resistance towards water, high abrasion , fruit juice, oil milk and deep freeze are required, modified inks are to be used. POLY STAR INKS are inadequate to resist aggressive components like oil/ghee, alkali and detergent. To meet all these requirements POLY STAR inks are to be modified , resistant property wise and these will be costlier than normal poly ones. These modifications are not possible in press.

SHELF LIFE of these inks are 6 months to 1 year for sealed containers, if stored in cool and dry place.

Material safety data sheet is separately available.

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